Forming A New Relationship - Without the Baggage

A wall is usually a solid structure that defines and sometimes protects an area. It is used to divide or separate. If we want to form a relationship, we must first tear down the walls we've built due to past hurts and disappointments, for these walls are only going to cause people to stay away.

When looking for a mate, instead of testing the other person, we should work on setting clear boundaries to avoid the chance of being mistreated. When you know who you are and what you will and will not tolerate, there's no need to worry about whether or not a person is right for you.

Are you a perfectionist? Guess what? There is no such thing. You have good qualities and imperfections. Be proud of them all. Someone who tries to be a perfectionist only ends up constantly reaching – not to be perfect – but for satisfaction.

Have you closed the door on your past relationships? You can't move into a new one until you do. Past hurts, disappointments and mistreatment can cause anyone to have a chip on the shoulder. But who wants someone with a chip? Before going into a relationship, it may be best to discuss underlying anger and resentment with a friend or a pastor.